(SOLD) Koi Fish, Oil Painting on Canvas, 20 X 20cm
20 x 20 cm or 7.87 x 7.87 inches
Original Handmade Oil Painting "Gold fish" by Inga Ledina
This is an original handmade oil painting on canvas cardboard.
This painting is MADE TO ORDER. The painting in the photo is already sold.
I will paint new for you!
Your painting will be very similar in color and composition, but not exact.
5 business days to paint, and 7 days to dry, as I work in oil.
20 X 20 cm or 8x8 inches on canvas cardboard
This is an original handmade oil painting on cardboard. Need a decorative frame.
Shipping Worldwide from Latvia, European Union
The compositions are original works of art, painted in only one copy, observing the basics of academic painting. A lot of time and effort has been devoted to creating each painting, and the final result is achieved through experimentation, careful detalization, and the artist found herself in the painting process.
*This is AN original painting.
*The painting is created only with professional paints
* Signed on the front
*Please note that colors can differ, due to different monitor screens.
*Note: Sold without frame
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